A programmable prototype to achieve Turing machines

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Addition of  2 unaries
Solution 1

2 states
Addition of  2 unaries
Solution 2
Copy X to the right of Y

5 states
Subtract X from Y
with X < Y

3 states
Multiplication of two integers
written in unary

10 states
Euclidean division by 3
in unary

8 states
Calculation of N modulo p
in unary
N > 0 and p > 0

7 states
Euclidean division
of A by B in unary

9 states

Calculation of   2 n in unary

The machine treats the unary as
the binary to which it will
add 1 to obtain 2 n

6 states
Comparison of  two unaries

8 states

B)   Unary to binary and binary to unary passages
Writing a unary in binary

5 states
Writing a binary to unary

6 states
Add 1 to a binary number

1 state
Subtract 1 from a binary

1 state

The binary is > 1
Addition of 2 binary numbers

6 states
Subtract one binary from another

6 states

We assume X > Y > 0
Difference of  2   binary
with deletion of 0

9 states

We assume X > Y > 0
Product of 2 binary numbers X and Y
X is written every other box
least significant bit on the right
Y : least significant bit on the left

11 states

Calculation of  3n in binary

Multiply a binary by 11

3 States

Calculation of  3n + 1 in binary

4 states
Calculation of  3n + 2 in binary

4 states
Division by 11
with divisibility test
and suppression of mute 0s.

11 states

Calculation of  5n in binary

Multiply a binary by 101

5 States
Calculation of  5n + 1 in binary

6 states
Calculation of  5n + 2 in binary

6 states
Calculation of  5n + 3 in binary

6 states
Calculation of  5n + 4 in binary

6 states
Dividing a binary by 101

10 states

Passage of the binary
system to
the Gros-Gray code

2 states

Passage of the Gros-Gray
code to the
binary system

2 states